Unravel the mystery of a city in the heart of the USA that ensnares anyone who enters. While the residents try to preserve a sense of normal life and find a way out, they also have to survive the threats of the surrounding forest. Check out our list of renewed and canceled events to see if your favorite show is included. A city set was built specifically for the series in North Beaver Bank, Nova Scotia. The place known as Beaver Bank Villa has a long history: many years ago there were residential buildings, a community hall, a fire station, a school, a church, a 24-hour convenience store, etc. d. (all demolished by 2004) to support workers at a nearby military radar base that operated in the 1950s and 1960s. Only paved streets and driveways remained, and a fake city was built on top of them. When Boyd walks into a distant tree, he finds himself at the bottom of a well. A rope will be lowered to him. When Boyd climbs out of the well, Martin is the only one in the room, chained to the wall. Martin didn’t drop the rope. Shown in the TV series “Half in the Bag: Mid-Year 2022, Part 1” (TV show) (2022). Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be), screenplay by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans featuring The Pixies. Much better than I thought, judging by some of the negative reviews here. So good that I devoured the first two seasons in a long weekend. Can’t wait for the third season. A great premise for a show that is somewhat similar to shows like Staying Alive and Wayward Pines, but different enough to feel like I’m watching the same show. I definitely recommend this to anyone who likes horror/mystery shows with some gore. Very nice and fun times. I just hope there will be more seasons, or at least enough to answer all the questions I still have. One of the best shows I’ve seen lately.